Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I can't resist .. Joe Biden is awesome

The internet and twitter and I am sure cable news were all talking about Vice President Joe Biden saying "This is a big fucking deal" in a sort of whisper to the President at the signing today of the HC bill.


So let me caps lock


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As some brilliant minds on twitter said, I'd rather have my VP throwing "F" Bombs than reals ones any-day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Plouffe / Rove

Karl Rove is a lunatic. Why do reputable news channels keep booking him?

Part 1

Part 2

10 Immediate Changes

  • Prohibit pre-existing condition exclusions for children in all new plans;

  • Provide immediate access to insurance for uninsured Americans who are uninsured because of a pre-existing condition through a temporary high-risk pool;

  • Prohibit dropping people from coverage when they get sick in all individual plans;

  • Lower seniors' prescription drug prices by beginning to close the donut hole;

  • Offer tax credits to small businesses to purchase coverage;

  • Eliminate lifetime limits and restrictive annual limits on benefits in all plans;

  • Require plans to cover an enrollee's dependent children until age 26;

  • Require new plans to cover preventive services and immunizations without cost-sharing;

  • Ensure consumers have access to an effective internal and external appeals process to appeal new insurance plan decisions;

  • Require premium rebates to enrollees from insurers with high administrative expenditures and require public disclosure of the percent of premiums applied to overhead costs.
House Democrats Blog

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care Reform Sunday

I woke up to all of the health care reform debate. It's a wonderful day! We will get a comprehensive bill and make history!

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