Sunday, May 17, 2009


Everyday there seems to be new developments on this "torture issue" and I think that the issue continues to get clouded. It is not a question of weather torture produces quality intelligence and it's not a question of what is faster in the stupid ticking bomb scenario. The question is simply is it right? And the answer is no.

Now we are no longer engaged in using torture thanks to President Obama keeping a campaign promise but shouldn't there be some accountability for those who implemented torture as a justified method of interrogation? After all it was illegal when the Bush administration implemented this torture program.

Useful reading

The Torture Moment : Arianna Huffington

The Truth About Richard Bruce Cheney
: Col. Lawrence B. Wilkerson


For special prosecutor
Truth commission

Sunday, May 10, 2009

So It's Mothers Day

Every year at this time for the last 6 years I get sad.

I can remember my grandma always got sad just before Christmas because my grandfather had passed away just before. And when my mom passed away at the beginning of Novemeber in 2002 I kinda figured each year around the holidays I would get sad. But that hasn't happened and I have even noticed the 7th of November come and go just like any other day rather than the anniversary of my Mom's death. Instead I have my yearly mourning on Mother's Day.

My mom was a wonderful person. Maybe another day I will write more about her.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

So I have decided to blog

For the longest time I didn’t even know what blogging was. When I finally did find out what it was I never thought I would bother with it. I mean, who would care what was on my mind or what I thought about different issues.

So now that I have decided to blog. While that feeling of who would care hasn’t gone away, I am not blogging for an audience. Instead this is a way for me to express what is on my mind at any given time whether it gets read or not.