Thursday, June 18, 2009

Keep the heat on for accountability

One of the people who is doing just that is Rachel Maddow. Watch this piece from her show on June 17, 2009.

Senator Whitehouse also continues to fight the good fight. His hearing on torture was extremely enlightening.
In this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Sheldon questions Attorney General Eric Holder about the status of the Office of Professional Responsibility report into the Bush Administrations detention and interrogation program, the role of the CIA in assessing the report, and the importance of releasing its findings.

Also the ACLU keeps on keeping on, bravo! Here is a look at their FOIA timeline. Keep up the great work ACLU and don't forget to contribute to them if you can.

Finally, a link back to my previous post on torture. This includes links to a couple petitions for both a truth commission and prosecution.

I realize there are many important things going on in the world and tough issues to tackle here at home but we cannot move forward without getting accountability for the atrocities our country committed under the Bush administration.

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