Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Now is the time!

Great news today, we now have Senator Al Franken who will be seated next week. So now is the time for the Democrats to lead and pass important legislation.

Now is the time to stop waiting for a consensus on every issue before getting things done. Don't compromise our values. Don't compromise our ideals.

The republicans have been bitching about a lack of bipartisanship since the beginning of the Obama administration, all the while he was meeting with there caucus and hosting them at White House events. They will never be pleased unless there agenda of NO is adopted. Now is the time to move on and realize we won this last election and get the things done this country voted for.
Cantor: Obama won't let us spit in his face anymore
by kos

Tue Jun 30, 2009 at 01:48:04 PM PDT

Oh brother...

GOP leaders complain that the phone calls and White House invitations have slacked off — perhaps because Obama’s early efforts to woo Republicans yielded few votes.

"I think that in the beginning they seemed a lot more willing to go in and engage with us," said House Minority Whip Eric Cantor.

Yup, Obama was far more willing to go in and engage with them. And Republicans took those opportunities to extract concessions, then vote against Obama's agenda en masse. So finally Obama realized what we had been arguing the whole time -- that it was a waste of time to deal with Republicans who had little incentive in supporting Obama's agenda and were more obsessed with "unity" as the path out of their electoral troubles.

Engagement is obviously a two-way street, and Republicans had zero interest in returning any consideration to Obama. So, he turned his attention to more worthwhile endeavors.

Given the Republican Party's continued opposition to any significant reform on any issue, it'd be nice if Congressional Democrats would stop giving Republicans the time of day. They are an irrelevant party, rejected en masse by an American electorate desperate for change.
The Republicans lost there opportunity to have meaningful input by playing the politics of NO. Now is the time for the Democrats to lead and give America "change we can believe in".

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